What are the main 3 programming languages need to know for build a website ?

What are the main 3 programming languages need to know to build a website?

If you need to build a website there three main programming languages that you must need to know. Do you know what are these languages? Let me guess if you new to design and develop a website you may be probably don't know the answer to the above question. But don't worry, end of this article you will get the proper idea about what kind of languages that you must know before creating a website.

Can you guess what is the first language that should learn to create a website?

Yes, it is HTML.


What is mean by HTML ?????
HTML means Hypertext Markup Language. HTML creates the basic structure of the web page. In HTML page including text, images, videos, divs, and other essential web elements. Html page section to main two parts and there are head and body.
The head part mainly includes the page title, CSS links, and js page links. Body parts carry out the main web page structure, elements, and other things that should include in the web page.


If you ask what is the simplest language of these three I would say it is CSS or cascading style sheets. CSS mainly use to decorate the web page or give attractiveness to the website. When HTML creates the structure of a website, CSS on the other hand, is used to style the elements of the webpage that are created through HTML. All characteristics are controlled through CSS.


Finally, we came to the last language that we going to discuss today. It's JavaScript. It's not a mandatory language that should aware of when creating static websites. JavaScript is allowed to create interactive web pages and it's is used both client-side and server-side. While HTML and CSS give structure and style to a web page, JavaScript gives interactive elements to the user to engage with the website. 
Don't forget that you use this JavaScript in your day-to-day life with your most-used websites. Their are news recap video embedded in The New York Times, or refreshing your Twitter feed and search box on Amazon,
Remember that JavaScript used to improve the user experience on the web page by it converting, static page into an interactive one. So, as the summary JavaScript adds behavior to web pages.

Importace of HTML, CSS and JavaScript 

Reference - 

HTML, CSS, JavaScript Explained [in 4 minutes for beginners]
