Introduction to NodeJS

What is NodeJS ??

NodeJS is open sourse serer envirnmont and it is free. NodeJs will run on various platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, Linux and etc. It uses JavaScript on the server and is a network application.
NodeJs was developed by Ryan Dahl and his motivation for creating this NodeJS was to create real-time websites with push capabilities. Build based on Chrome's JavaScript, V8 engine. Uses a non-blocking I/O model and event-driven which makes NodeJS lightweight and efficient. Across the distributed system,  ideal for the data-intensive real-time applications run. Libraries that help with basic programming that comes along with the JavaScript to build NodeJS.  The 'npm' world's largest open-source library included in the NodeJS ecosystem.

Use cases

The best platform for CPU-intensive heavy computation applications in NodeJS. It's best for building network applications when is focusing on fast and scalable. When we have to handle a huge number of simultaneous connections with high throughput, NodeJS has capable of handling those kinds of issues. Over one million concurrent connections NodeJS have achieved.
NodeJS remove the waiting and simply continues with the next request. NodeJS runs with a very memory efficiently and it is single-threaded, non-blocking, asynchronously programming.

The applications that use cases

  • JASON APIs based applications 
  • Data Streaming applications
  • Single-page applications
  • Data-intensive real-time application
  • I/O bound applications

What is NodeJS can do?

Firstly, NodeJS can generate the dynamic page content, and also it can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server which is run. NodeJS is able to collect the data from the form. It has the ability to add, delete and update the data in the database.

What is NodeJS File???

According to the certain events, NodeJS include file that will be executed. If someone trying to access a port on the server it is called a NodeJS event. Before having any effect in NodeJS, it must be initiated on the server. The extension on the NodeJS file is '.js'.

Advantages of NodeJS ??

  • High Performance

  • Single Programming Language

  • Caching

  • Improved App Response Time

  • Extensibility

  • Scalability

  • Low Learning Curve

  • Community Support

  • Boosted Web App Development Speed

  • Improved App Response Time

Disadvantages of NodeJS ??

  • Immaturity of tooling
  • JavaScript's semantics and culture
  • Bad concurrency primitives
  • Immaturity of Tools
  • Not Suitable for Heavy-Computing Apps
  • More Development Time

  • Callback hell issue

  • Lack of maturity

  • Unstable API


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